Tag Archives: cats

Cancer in Cats and Dogs

pet xray

Fluffy or Fido has developed a lump. You observe your cat or dog having difficulty when chewing. Your pet doesn’t want to play any more. The diagnosis: cancer.Dog, cats, and other mammals are susceptible to many of the diseases that humans get, cancer included. With advances in veterinary medicine, our pets are living longer, which […]

Cat and Dog Ear problems: Ear Mites and Infections

Cat with ear mites

Fluffy and Fido are scratching, shaking, and rubbing their heads and ears. It looks like ear mites…or ear infections. Both are common with cats and dogs, but how can you tell the difference, and what can you do about the problem?

Dealing With Your Aging Cat or Dog

Senior Dog

As cats and dogs get older, they’re prone to many of the same ailments that people may experience with aging. Unfortunately, instead of helping their companions grow old gracefully, some people replace their aging pets as they would an older car. Shelters are full of even healthy older animals that no one wants. Animals have […]

Cats and Stress – How to deal with a stressed cat

Scared cat

She might become aggressive or withdrawn. Perhaps she is restless or more emotionally needy. Some cats under stress mark their territory more by scratching, spraying, or urinating or defecating in inappropriate places. They may become more vocal, hide, spend more time outdoors or indoors, lose interest in food, groom themselves excessively, or even mutilate themselves.

Pet Odor Removal Solutions

Pet Odor Removal spray

The odor and stains from pet urine and cat spray stubbornly cling and soak into surfaces, making a home smell less than welcoming to visitors. What are the best pet odor removal strategies the most stubborn odors? Is it possible for pets and people to live together in an odor-free environment? Yes, it is! The […]

Is a Raw Food Diet Right for Your Cat or Dog?

raw pet food

For decades, we’ve fed our dogs and cats processed food from cans and bags. Pet food manufacturers and veterinarians have assured us that food made especially for cats and dogs is the best for their nutritional needs. In recent years, the raw food movement for dogs and cats has spread across the continent. Is it […]

Rabbits as Pets?

pet rabbit and girl

They’re cute, entertaining, expressive, sociable, and affectionate. They don’t bark or meow. They don’t need to be taken for walks. Are rabbits perfect pets? For some people, yes. But like dogs and cats, rabbits require daily care. Rabbits are healthiest and happiest when they live with people who understand and can accommodate their needs.

Cats and Socialization

group of cats

Some cats are playful and affectionate with people. Others bite and scratch. Many cats do both. Aggression is natural with cats. After all, they are predators by nature. Play is an expression of their predatory behavior. Biting and clawing are also instinctive reactions to protect themselves when cats are afraid or upset.