Category Archives: Behavior

When Your Dog Barks Too Much

Dog Barking

It’s annoying. It’s sometimes maddening. It can even be life threatening.Your dog’s bark may not be as bad as his bite, but dogs’ barking is a common reason that dogs are poisoned. The good news is that you can work with your dog to reduce his urge to bark.

Why Cats Scratch

Cat Scratching

Cats. They’re endlessly amusing, warm and cuddly, delightfully playful, independent and aloof, and… destructive. Our feline companions seem to have a knack for shredding upholstery, drapes, and rugs to ribbons, regardless of their owner’s feelings on the matter. Though some people believe their scratching is done out of spite or poor manners, this frustrating behavior […]

Excessive Meowing: When Your Cat Talks Too Much

cat meowing

Fluffy meows when she’s hungry, when she wants attention, when she smells food…and sometimes for reasons unknown to us. Her meowing may be conversational, or it may be annoying. Especially when we’re trying to fall asleep at night.

Cats and Stress – How to deal with a stressed cat

Scared cat

She might become aggressive or withdrawn. Perhaps she is restless or more emotionally needy. Some cats under stress mark their territory more by scratching, spraying, or urinating or defecating in inappropriate places. They may become more vocal, hide, spend more time outdoors or indoors, lose interest in food, groom themselves excessively, or even mutilate themselves.

Separation Anxiety in Dogs

dog with anxiety

While you were out, Fido scratched your door, chewed your shoes, and urinated on your living room carpet. Your neighbors tell you that they hear your dog howling whenever you aren’t home. Separation anxiety: causes, symptoms, and treatment

5 Steps to Crate Training Your Dog

Dog In crate

Bringing a new pet home can be both exciting and scary. Whether your dog was bought as a puppy or adopted as an adult, crate training helps to establish important routines, provide discipline, aids in house-breaking, and prevents inappropriate urination and other problems that can lead to difficult and hard to remove pet odors.  Crate […]

Dog Training – How to effectively train your pet.

Dog Training

Dogs are true friends who always stand on the terms of friendship. They serve as pre-eminent pets when compared with others, as they are lovable, faithful and entertaining too. They spare you from your loneliness, especially when there’s nobody with you. Dogs can be the great companions and friends for you and your family rather […]

What to do when Your Dog Chases Cars, Bicyclists, or Joggers

Dog chasing mailman

He sees the moving object or person. Or perhaps he sees it or him or her as a threat to his territory. His instinct to chase overcomes him, so he runs after the car, the bus, the truck, the bicyclist, the jogger. Victory! Although he didn’t manage to bring down lunch, he did frighten off […]

Cats and Socialization

group of cats

Some cats are playful and affectionate with people. Others bite and scratch. Many cats do both. Aggression is natural with cats. After all, they are predators by nature. Play is an expression of their predatory behavior. Biting and clawing are also instinctive reactions to protect themselves when cats are afraid or upset.