Tag Archives: dog

How to Sell a Home with Pets and Kids Living In It

house for sale

Children and pets are a source of joy, but not helpful when it comes to selling your home. Buyers need to imagine themselves living in your place, and that’s hard to do when someone else’s dogs and toddlers are in the way. The good news is, many pet-owning families have successfully sold their home. You […]

Moving Your Home with Dogs and Cats


You’re moving to another neighborhood or to another state. To your cat or dog, the only difference is the traveling time. Moving to a new home is a major uprooting for dogs and cats. You can help the move go more smoothly for your pet as well as for yourself. If you start preparing well […]

Puppy Care

When you see him with his mother and littermates, your new puppy-to-be is playful, affectionate, and happy. When you bring him home with you, your puppy is still playful and affectionate — but he whimpers at night. And gets frightened easily. And isn’t house-trained. With the right preparation and training, your new puppy will adjust […]

Cats Versus Dogs: Which Are Better Pets?

cat and dog

Fido barks and dances in circles to greet you. He barks when you come home and when he’s home alone. He frightens off burglars and brings in neighbors’ complaints. Fluffy, on the other hand, purrs when you sit down for her to snuggle on your lap. The neighbors never complain about her meows, but they […]

Insurance for Pets

Pet Insurance

Should you have health insurance for your pets? If your pets need only routine care for all their lives, pet health insurance probably costs more than the cost of veterinary bills. On the other hand, if your pets require emergency treatment or ongoing care for a chronic condition, pet insurance can save you a lot […]

The Sport of Dog Agility

dog agility

Dogs can be athletes too. In dog agility competitions, dogs negotiate obstacles while following their handlers’ directions. Judges award points for speed and accuracy, and they hand out fault points for mistakes on the course. Dogs gain skills, confidence, and an increased fitness level while playing in a giant doggie playground. Dog agility is for […]

5 Steps to Crate Training Your Dog

Dog In crate

Bringing a new pet home can be both exciting and scary. Whether your dog was bought as a puppy or adopted as an adult, crate training helps to establish important routines, provide discipline, aids in house-breaking, and prevents inappropriate urination and other problems that can lead to difficult and hard to remove pet odors.  Crate […]

Dog Training – How to effectively train your pet.

Dog Training

Dogs are true friends who always stand on the terms of friendship. They serve as pre-eminent pets when compared with others, as they are lovable, faithful and entertaining too. They spare you from your loneliness, especially when there’s nobody with you. Dogs can be the great companions and friends for you and your family rather […]

What to do when Your Dog Chases Cars, Bicyclists, or Joggers

Dog chasing mailman

He sees the moving object or person. Or perhaps he sees it or him or her as a threat to his territory. His instinct to chase overcomes him, so he runs after the car, the bus, the truck, the bicyclist, the jogger. Victory! Although he didn’t manage to bring down lunch, he did frighten off […]