Tag Archives: bevavior

Excessive Meowing: When Your Cat Talks Too Much

cat meowing

Fluffy meows when she’s hungry, when she wants attention, when she smells food…and sometimes for reasons unknown to us. Her meowing may be conversational, or it may be annoying. Especially when we’re trying to fall asleep at night.

Dog Training – How to effectively train your pet.

Dog Training

Dogs are true friends who always stand on the terms of friendship. They serve as pre-eminent pets when compared with others, as they are lovable, faithful and entertaining too. They spare you from your loneliness, especially when there’s nobody with you. Dogs can be the great companions and friends for you and your family rather […]

Separation Anxiety in Dogs

dog with anxiety

While you were out, Fido scratched your door, chewed your shoes, and urinated on your living room carpet. Your neighbors tell you that they hear your dog howling whenever you aren’t home. Separation anxiety: causes, symptoms, and treatment

Cats and Socialization

group of cats

Some cats are playful and affectionate with people. Others bite and scratch. Many cats do both. Aggression is natural with cats. After all, they are predators by nature. Play is an expression of their predatory behavior. Biting and clawing are also instinctive reactions to protect themselves when cats are afraid or upset.

What to Do if Your Cat Is Afraid of Fireworks

Hiding cat

It is not just dogs that can be afraid of fireworks, cats can find it very distressing too. While for dog owners it is fairly easy to tell that their pet doesn’t like the noise, cat owners are often unaware of the fact that their cat is uncomfortable.

What to do when Your Dog Chases Cars, Bicyclists, or Joggers

Dog chasing mailman

He sees the moving object or person. Or perhaps he sees it or him or her as a threat to his territory. His instinct to chase overcomes him, so he runs after the car, the bus, the truck, the bicyclist, the jogger. Victory! Although he didn’t manage to bring down lunch, he did frighten off […]

Can Cats and Dogs Live Together?

cat and dog

Fluffy and Fido play together, eat together, and even sleep together – or so you’ve heard. Some cats and dogs do become best friends, while in other households, they just tolerate each other, or they don’t get along at all. Millions of Americans live with at least one dog and one cat. How do they […]

How to Stop Dogs from Chewing

Dog Chewing

Your dog doesn’t chew only his dog toys. Your dog chews your shoes, the bedding, the furniture, and even power cords. How can you stop your dog from chewing?

When Your Cat Won’t Use the Litter Box

cat litter box

It happens on your linoleum floor. Or worse, on your carpet. Your cat has done her litter-box business somewhere other than in the litter box.Why? And what can you do?

When Your Cat Scratches the Furniture

cat scratches furiture

Your prized furniture has become a collection of cat scratching posts. While Fluffy can’t stop herself from scratching, you can’t accept the destruction of your furniture. Can scratch-free furniture and cats co-exist? To prevent your cat from scratching furniture, you need to convince her that scratching furniture isn’t pleasurable, and that the alternatives you provide […]