Category Archives: Everything

How to Sell a Home with Pets and Kids Living In It

house for sale

Children and pets are a source of joy, but not helpful when it comes to selling your home. Buyers need to imagine themselves living in your place, and that’s hard to do when someone else’s dogs and toddlers are in the way. The good news is, many pet-owning families have successfully sold their home. You […]

Moving Your Home with Dogs and Cats


You’re moving to another neighborhood or to another state. To your cat or dog, the only difference is the traveling time. Moving to a new home is a major uprooting for dogs and cats. You can help the move go more smoothly for your pet as well as for yourself. If you start preparing well […]

Cats and Babies

Cat and Baby

You’re expecting a baby, and you already have a cat in the family. Your friends and relatives are telling you that you can’t keep your cat when the baby arrives. Do cats smother or suck the breath out of babies? Is it safe for cats and babies to live together?No, the old tales are not […]

The Many Benefits of Pets for Children

child with pet

Today’s world is, unfortunately, out of touch with nature in many ways. Pets can be the means for bringing some of the wilder spirit of the natural world into our homes. Children, in particular, often derive a lot of comfort and joy from reconnecting to nature in this way. Though it is unrealistic to expect […]

Pet poisoning prevention: Is your home dangerous to your pets?

Kitchen cleaners

It might be if you don’t know what to watch out for. Many things found commonly around our homes are deadly to animals. Did you know that grapes and raisins are toxic to dogs? That garlic and onions are toxic to cats? It’s true. Items as simple as chocolate, coffee grounds, and even apple seeds […]

Are there any home remedies that will eliminate pet urine and spray odor?

Unfortunately, there is no quick and easy home remedies for pet urine odors and stains. Home remedy odor removers are definitely cheap to make. But when you add the damage they can cause, they can be much more expensive than a good commercial odor remover. If there were a cheap solution that worked, we certainly […]

Gardens for People and Gardens for Cats

Gardens for cats

Cats and gardens go together like…well, it depends on who the garden is for. To cats, gardens are a little piece of heaven. Fresh soil makes a perfect litter box, and seedlings that get uprooted in the digging process are of no consequence to them. You may not want your cat in your garden, and […]

When Your Dog Barks Too Much

Dog Barking

It’s annoying. It’s sometimes maddening. It can even be life threatening.Your dog’s bark may not be as bad as his bite, but dogs’ barking is a common reason that dogs are poisoned. The good news is that you can work with your dog to reduce his urge to bark.