Tag Archives: health care

When You’re Allergic to Animals

Itchy, puffy, watery, red eyes. A stuffy or runny nose. Sneezing. A scratchy or sore throat. Itchy skin. Hives. Shortness of breath. Allergic reactions to family pets can develop in childhood or in adulthood, even after years of living with animals. Finding another home for pets is often not an acceptable option. In a 1997 […]

Insurance for Pets

Pet Insurance

Should you have health insurance for your pets? If your pets need only routine care for all their lives, pet health insurance probably costs more than the cost of veterinary bills. On the other hand, if your pets require emergency treatment or ongoing care for a chronic condition, pet insurance can save you a lot […]

Cancer in Cats and Dogs

pet xray

Fluffy or Fido has developed a lump. You observe your cat or dog having difficulty when chewing. Your pet doesn’t want to play any more. The diagnosis: cancer.Dog, cats, and other mammals are susceptible to many of the diseases that humans get, cancer included. With advances in veterinary medicine, our pets are living longer, which […]

Cat and Dog Ear problems: Ear Mites and Infections

Cat with ear mites

Fluffy and Fido are scratching, shaking, and rubbing their heads and ears. It looks like ear mites…or ear infections. Both are common with cats and dogs, but how can you tell the difference, and what can you do about the problem?

Dealing With Your Aging Cat or Dog

Senior Dog

As cats and dogs get older, they’re prone to many of the same ailments that people may experience with aging. Unfortunately, instead of helping their companions grow old gracefully, some people replace their aging pets as they would an older car. Shelters are full of even healthy older animals that no one wants. Animals have […]

Do-it-Yourself Dog Grooming

Dog grooming

Should you take your dog to a professional dog groomer, or should you groom your dog yourself? Depending on your dog’s needs, the answer might be to do both. If you take your dog to a professional dog groomer, you can groom him yourself between appointments. And if your dog’s coat doesn’t require the care […]

Are Topical Flea Treatments Safe?

Pet flea products on shelves

Fleas can attach themselves to animals outdoors, move indoors with you, jump from one pet to another, spring from carpets or upholstered furniture, or hatch from dormant larvae in your home. They can live year-round indoors, and outdoors as well in warmer climates. Walk into a pet shop and you’ll find topical flea treatments ranging […]

Hip Dysplasia in Dogs: Prevention and Treatment

dog getting reha

Fido has been having difficulty standing up after lying down, and he hesitates to climb stairs. He limps or walks with a swaying motion, and he has developed an awkward, hopping gait when running. After your veterinarian examines your dog and does X-rays, you get the diagnosis: canine hip dysplasia.