Tag Archives: cats

Protecting Your Pet from Winter Cold

Dog with hat in cold

Rain, wind, snow, and ice. Cold temperatures and the accompanying weather can cause discomfort to our pets as well as to us. It can also be life-threatening. Adjust to the elements with your pets, and they’ll be safer and healthier.

Removing Pet Hair from Furniture and Clothing

Man using lint roller

“The problem with cats and dogs is that they shed.” Shedding is a common complaint of people who prefer homes free of pet hair to the joys of having a pet. But do we have to choose? To a point, yes. If you don’t want any pet hair in your home, don’t get a pet. […]

Can Cats and Dogs Live Together?

cat and dog

Fluffy and Fido play together, eat together, and even sleep together – or so you’ve heard. Some cats and dogs do become best friends, while in other households, they just tolerate each other, or they don’t get along at all. Millions of Americans live with at least one dog and one cat. How do they […]

What to Do if Your Cat Is Afraid of Fireworks

Hiding cat

It is not just dogs that can be afraid of fireworks, cats can find it very distressing too. While for dog owners it is fairly easy to tell that their pet doesn’t like the noise, cat owners are often unaware of the fact that their cat is uncomfortable.

Protecting Your Pet from Summer Heat

person touching golden retriever

He’s panting excessively. He’s restless and agitated, or maybe lethargic. He salivates, vomits, staggers, and loses coordination. If you’re there to see it, you may observe that his eyes are glazed, and his gums and tongue are reddish or purple. In just a short time, he may lose consciousness.

Heat exhaustion and heat stroke are preventable when you know how to take care of animals in hot weather. If you see these symptoms, you need to act fast to save the animal’s life.

Thyroid Problems in Dogs and Cats

cat at the vet

Fido or Fluffy may be lethargic. Or hyperactive. Eating less and gaining weight, or eating more and losing weight. Feeling cold. Feeling hot.The thyroid gland, which sits against the windpipe, could be responsible. Dogs aged two and up are at risk for developing hypothyroidism, a condition resulting from not enough thyroid hormone. Middle-aged and older […]

What Children Learn with and from Pets

child with pet

Those of us who had pets as children probably remember the unconditional love we received, the pleasures of animal companionship, and the lessons in caring for another creature. Most likely, we gained far more from our pets than we realize even now. Advantages of pets for children Children who grow up with pets tend to […]