Category Archives: Cats

Tokyo Residents Paying to Play with Cats

Japanese man with cat

Cat Bag, a new commercial venture in Tokyo, Japan that charges people approximately $5 to play with cats, is proving to be very successful.”People may think cats are common because they used to be everywhere,” Makoto Suematsu, the proprietor, told an Asahi Newspaper reporter. “However, cats are not familiar animals anymore. There are many people […]

Dealing With Your Aging Cat or Dog

Senior Dog

As cats and dogs get older, they’re prone to many of the same ailments that people may experience with aging. Unfortunately, instead of helping their companions grow old gracefully, some people replace their aging pets as they would an older car. Shelters are full of even healthy older animals that no one wants. Animals have […]

Cats and Hairballs

Cat vomiting

Fluffy looks healthy and content as she does her normal cat things. Suddenly – and possibly on your carpet – she begins to retch. When she’s finished, she resumes her normal cat routine. Is your cat sick? Perhaps, but a likely cause is hairballs. Hairballs are common in cats, particularly long-haired cats. With our help, […]

Cats and Socialization

group of cats

Some cats are playful and affectionate with people. Others bite and scratch. Many cats do both. Aggression is natural with cats. After all, they are predators by nature. Play is an expression of their predatory behavior. Biting and clawing are also instinctive reactions to protect themselves when cats are afraid or upset.

Thyroid Problems in Dogs and Cats

cat at the vet

Fido or Fluffy may be lethargic. Or hyperactive. Eating less and gaining weight, or eating more and losing weight. Feeling cold. Feeling hot.The thyroid gland, which sits against the windpipe, could be responsible. Dogs aged two and up are at risk for developing hypothyroidism, a condition resulting from not enough thyroid hormone. Middle-aged and older […]

Understand and Communicate with Your Cat

cat and kitten

Fluffy purrs when you stroke her head. Your hand moves down her back, along her soft fur. You feel the pleasure of connecting with your feline friend. Suddenly her teeth or claws meet your skin. Your cat didn’t turn into a monster. She gave you feline messages that she’d had enough, but we humans tend […]

Dental Care for Dogs and Cats

Dog brushing teeth

They didn’t have (or need) toothbrushes. For the ancestors of our dogs and cats, chewing through bone and skin of wild prey accomplished the same purpose. Unlike their wild ancestors, though, domesticated dogs and cats generally eat food that’s gentle on their teeth and gums. Without the workout that the teeth and gums need, dental […]

The Many Benefits of Pets for Children

child with pet

Today’s world is, unfortunately, out of touch with nature in many ways. Pets can be the means for bringing some of the wilder spirit of the natural world into our homes. Children, in particular, often derive a lot of comfort and joy from reconnecting to nature in this way. Though it is unrealistic to expect […]